
The BSRA schools adopt ‘best practice’ safety in their programs.

The BSRA is guided by Rowing Queensland, Transdev and the Maritime Queensland Authority.

Information provided to BSRA member schools

In regards to COVID-19 the BSRA has drafted some considerations for schools that are preparing guidelines in their rowing facility and during training. Go to BSRA policies and guidelines

The following is the Rowing Queensland risk assessment document to guide attendance at our regattas on 8, 15, 22 and 29 August 2020

RQ COVIDSafe Plan for the BSRA


Below is a suite of information shared with the BSRA members as they begin their rowing season.

  1. SAFETY VIDEO– Brisbane RiverShare – ‘Because we’re all in the same boat.’ on Vimeo
  2. RQ & MSQ RiverShare – Brisbane River Code of Conduct
  3. BSRA SAFETY AUDIT – BSRA Rowing Coordinator’s are responsible for completion. It will be used for feedback and presented to the Principals/Board of each school prior to the competition commencing.
  4.  BSRA SAFETY QUIZ – for new rowers, coxswains and coaches. Recommended for all rowers/coxswains and coaches. Statistical data from each school will be collected and presented to the Principals/Board as part of the annual safety audit prior to season commencement.
  5. CITYCAT INTERACTION– a safety initiative organised by the BSRA and Transdev. New rowers and coaches are invited on board the CityCat to get a ‘Masters perspective’ of the Brisbane River. This is scheduled through the BSRA Executive Officer early in term 2 or at the end of term 1. Somerville House and St Hilda’s are not required to schedule a CityCat presentation as these schools do not have any geographical interaction with CityCat.
  6. BOAT RACE OFFICIAL (BRO) PRESENTATION– schools are encouraged to schedule a BRO prior to the competition season in term 3 to ensure the rowers are familiar with race procedures at the RQ venue of Wyaralong. This is scheduled through Rowing Queensland and at a minimal charge. Phone 07 3842 1200 to arrange.
  7. ACCREDITATION AND EDUCATION  –   links can be found here for coxswains and coaches
  8. INCIDENT REPORTING – Forms available here for submission

School safety considerations

  1. SCHOOL INDUCTION– Coaches are inducted either through schools protocols or through coaching qualifications and all participate in meetings where safety issues are raised and addressed.
  2. CREDENTIALS– Blue Cards, Tinnie Licence and First Aid are some of the extra qualifications that address safety on the water and at the sheds. Coaching Level 1 is available online here through the RQ portal. It is at a cost of $180 (inc GST) and recommended by the BSRA.
  3. SUPERVISION– Coach to boat ratios at each school also ensure that a high standard of supervision is delivered.
  4. PRACTICAL ABILITY– Athletes undergo a variety of swimming and capsize drills to familiarise them with likely scenarios which enables them to deal comfortably with these situations. The following video is demonstrating How to get back into your scull after flipping. The following is a demonstration of the Easy capsize drill
  5. RIVER RULES– Brisbane River is a river of thirds. Divide between ‘up river’ and ‘down river’ and ‘passive and commercial/powered craft’ for correct allocation. Coaches/Rowers should understand the communication horn blasts used by the CityCat. (see the attached video link below), and also be prepared to gesture/wave/callout to CityCats if they don’t understand. Coaches/Rowers should familiarise themselves with protocols at exclusion zones (communicated in this video link).
  6. LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY – The BSRA rowing season is conducted in the autumn and winter months where there are less light hours in the day. Considerations must be made to equip the rowing boats and coaches launches with standardised lights to ensure optimum visibility is attained on the river and canals. Rowing in poor light for rowers with limited experience should also be considered and extra attention/resources should be allocated here.
    • Schools/Coaches/Rowers are required to ensure that the lights on the stern and the bow meet the specifications: are bright (not dull), that 360 degrees of white light is attached to the boat, that is, 180 degrees facing outward (from the rowers) on the stern and 180 degrees facing outward (from the rowers) on the bow.
    • Dawn, dusk and the changing light affect visibility for everyone. The BSRA recommends all rowers wear a Day/Night standard safety cap in the boat as a safety device. Day/Night standard safety caps, are a high visibility colour PLUS reflector to identify rowers presence in all light conditions. This safety device promotes visibility and the thermal reflector tape is another level of detection on the instruments of the CityCat for the Masters. The reflector tape can be found here.

Shaun Cronan


m| 0412 590 327

53 Lagonda Street, Annerley QLD 4103

All BSRA safety material is guided by RowingAustralia, Rowing Queensland and the Brisbane Maritime Authority to educate its members on safe river practice and is available on this website.