BSRA Mission
The Brisbane Schoolgirls’ Rowing Association (BSRA) provides a competitive rowing experience in a structured and supportive environment that reflects the values of its nine member schools. We conduct a quality, competitive and team orientated rowing regatta program where students and coaches interact to encourage physical, emotional, ethical and social development within the association and the wider sporting community. We aim for our rowing competition to be fun for all and to foster social connection and inclusion that emanates from opportunities in sport.
About Us
The Brisbane Schoolgirls’ Rowing Association (BSRA) is an incorporated body established to conduct regattas for 9 member schools. The BSRA is affiliated with Rowing Queensland who support the operation of the BSRA. The Association has an extensive set of by-laws to assist in the efficient, consistent and fair operation of schoolgirl rowing competitions. Delegates of each member school meet regularly to plan each season and review the Associations operation.
Over the short history of the BSRA, a number of strong philosophies have developed:
- Each girl shall receive equal opportunity to compete for her school irrespective of age or division.
- Sculling will be promoted up to Year 10 level, with sweep rowing introduced in Year 11 and 12.
- Schools are encouraged to develop and expand their programs.
- Rowing must remain in perspective as a school sport, recognising the demands of academic study.
The BSRA regatta season takes place in 3rd term (July – August). This takes advantage of Brisbane’s excellent winter climate and allows for some girls schools to share equipment with boys schools who row during summer.
The BSRA competition involves girls from Year 8 – 12 only.
The BSRA reviewed Year 7 participation at the conclusion of the 2015 season. It will remain outside the BSRA competition in 2017. The Board determined that each individual school offered rowing programs for year 7 at their own discretion. Many BSRA schools offer a Learn To Row program at this year level in preparation for Year 8 inclusion in the competition.
Each member school will host a regatta as a lead up to the Head of the River regatta. See the Calendar.
The annual Head of the River regatta, held towards the end of August, is the culmination of the rowing season. All crews are striving to produce their best performance at this regatta.
In 1997, nearly 800 girls in over 200 boats competed at the Head of the River and the spectators exceeded 6000. 30 years on and schoolgirl rowing continues to grow in Queensland. The Brisbane Schoolgirls Rowing Association has evolved into a progressive and professional administrative body, promoting the sport and facilitating a strong competition.
Competition Trophies
Medals are presented to each 1st, 2nd and 3rd place getter, coxswain and their coach, Three major trophies are presented at the conclusion of Head of the River:
The BSRA Cup is presented to the winner of the Open First VIII race. Donated by the Grummitt Family.
The Aggregate Cup is awarded to the Champion School, that is, the school with the best overall performance. Points are allocated to every crew which races in the first four divisions. A crew which races and finishes last has benefited a school more than not competing at all.
The Percentage Trophy is presented to the school with the largest number of points per head of school population. The aggregate points total is divided by the number of year 8 to 12 female students at the school. This trophy is designed to encourage small schools who may not have the depth of talent to challenge for The Aggregate Cup for the Champion School.
There are currently no trophies presented at Indoor Rowing Championships.