BSRA LIVESTREAM of the Head of the River

By Rachael Kininmonth - 20/08/2020

The BSRA Board are delighted to announce a Livestream of the 2020 BSRA Head of the River.


The 2020 season has been impacted in many ways by Covid-19 and spectators being prohibited from the venue. This has been a hard pill to swallow for the supporters that love to cheer on their girls and schools. This situation has enabled a new opportunity that the BSRA member schools have embraced.


Livestreaming by Soutar Productions through the BSRA website will enable the supporters at home to share in the efforts of the rowers and the experience of the day.


The BSRA member schools hope you enjoy this unique and special opportunity streaming live to you from the Queensland State Rowing Centre at Wyaralong Dam, Allenview.