Thank you everyone for volunteering during the season and to State High for hosting the BSRA HoR
Thank you to all the BSRA member school volunteers throughout the season: The boat drivers, the boat holders, the boat towing people, the bow number distribution and collection, the rubbish bin distributors, the results data entry, and the people who ‘step up’ and offer a hand whenever something random is required. It’s a magnificent show of the generosity in the community and is tremendously appreciated.
Thank you State High!
WOW!!! What an amazing day… from pre-dawn preparations, through a magnificent day of rowing & hosting, to late evening counting… the State High Spirit was on display everywhere we turned at 2018 Head of the River.
Feedback throughout the day was outstanding. Many spectators and officials commented it was the favourite menu of the season (kudos to Julette!), were really impressed with the water bottles and environmental message (thanks to Hammond Recruitment, Endura & Brandition), and the raffle was a huge hit (thanks Kimberley Dripps, Endura & donors).
Our fabulous volunteers and donors…
A huge THANK YOU to every volunteer. Well over 120 girls’ and boys’ rowing parents, supporters, students, rowers, BSHS staff, coaches, siblings, and family pitched in to make the day such a success. Thank you to all the people that did back-to-back shifts all day, and those that spent the day in the sun – whether at the car park, BBQ’ing, roving sales, or on the competitor headland. It wasn’t only the girls who braved tough conditions!
Thank you also to everyone who donated items – the trailers, equipment, lollies, soft drinks, and homebake all boosted our profit.
Finally, 3 Cheers to the Coordinating Team… Michelle, Julette & Michael, Allison, Richard, Magnus, Jane & Jason, Amanda & Simon, Andrew, Jennifer & Ryan, Jo & Danny, Andy & Jeanne, Steve & Anne, Marie-Claire & Andrew. These people worked tirelessly over many weeks to bring the day together, and then have gone well above and beyond in the past few days.
Finances & Feedback…
We will tally the funds and expenses and will share the financial outcomes when everything is finalised.