Records Tumble at Indoor Rowing!

The 2024 BSRA Indoor Rowing Championships was held on Monday 20 May at Somerville House in VPAC.

The event was an enormous success, with huge teams from 8 member schools attending to participate. Not only were the teams large, but also their support bases, with the floor filled with student, coach and parent supporters from all Schools. Thank-you to all those who participated, bringing their spirit and energy to the event!

The BSRA Indoor Rowing Championships sets a high benchmark for schoolgirl rowing in Australia, with our member schools bringing their best athletes to contest hardfought individual and team relay events. We celebrate the winners and those on the podium, but we also congratulate all competitors for being in the contest. Many results beyond the podium were incredibly close and we are so proud of all the girls efforts and spirit in competition. So many girls acheived their own personal bests on the night or contributed to a proud team effort – well done girls.

On Monday 20 May, 5 BSRA records were broken: 3 Individual records and 2 Team Relay records.
Some of these records have stood for 20 years and were thought to be unbreakable, yet on Monday we saw incredible athletes setting new standards in the competition.

All results can be found here. Record Holders can be found here.

Special congratulations to record breakers:

BSRA alumnae now proudly hold 4 Australian Records for Indoor Rowing:

Isabel Pattison AHS Year 9 13-14  Yrs 2024 1000m 03:29.70
Astrid Thomas BGGS Year 12 15-16 Yrs 2024 2000m 06:57.40
Sophie Gerber STM 17-18 Lwt 2021 2000m 07:22.70
Georgia Powell AHS Year 9 13-14 Yrs 2017 2000m 07:39.70

Thank-you everyone!

BSRA x RQ Safety Evening

The Brisbane Schoolgirls Rowing Association, in collaboration with Rowing Queensland, are holding information evenings for rowers & Brisbane River users.

As the BSRA community commences training in preparation for their competitive season in July/August, it is important that we all are refreshed, reminded and updated of our requirements to keep ourselves, our friends and fellow river users safe on the water.

We are users on shared waterways, with other recreational and commercial craft. We all hold responsibilities in keeping everyone safe.

Your registration to attend will be recorded and sent to your Rowing Coordinator at your School. Club registrations will be distributed from Rowing Queensland to clubs.

Safety Evenings

Event When Time
BSRA x RQ Safety Evening “Pre-Season” Wednesday 24 April 6:00-7:30pm Click here to Register
BSRA x RQ Safety Evening “Regattas” Wednesday 17 July 6:00-7:00pm


International Women’s Day Race to Raise

For the past 5 years, Rowing Queensland and River City Women’s Rowing Club have hosted the event on the Brisbane River, evolving from a casual race to a community race and breakfast raising funds and awareness for various causes.

We are racing to raise awareness for women in rowing and the incredible opportunities available to them, alongside the support of our community.  This year, Toowong Rowing Club will be our hosts and together we plan to direct funds raised back into our rowing community by subsidising boat licences for rowers and coaches and providing additional training to build confidence and skill driving ability on the Brisbane river.  This is in response to the need highlighted by our Clubs.

Join us on Sunday, March 3rd, at the St Lucia reach of the Brisbane River.  If you wish to boat out of TRC before the regatta, please email All crews are welcome to boat at the club before and after breakfast. Spectators and friends are also welcome to join us just for breakfast and coffee.  Gather your Club members, form mixed or female crews, and be a part of this meaningful event.

Stay tuned for further details about the post-Easter boat training sessions.

Please register here:

Job Opportunity

Stuartholme School are searching for a new Rowing Coordinator for the 2024 BSRA season.

Sports Coordinator Job in Toowong, Brisbane QLD – SEEK

New BSRA Executive Officer – Matt Marden

The BSRA are thrilled to announce Matt Marden as the incoming Executive Officer from 1 October 2023, replacing outgoing Rachael Kininmonth who has held the role for the past 9 years and moves to Hong Kong for another career opportunity.


Matt has been involved with the BSRA since 2007 when he first began coaching schoolgirls and over the past eleven years has honed his skills in sport management in roles as Rowing Director at Stuartholme School and Brisbane Grammar School. Matt will be combining his current role at Brisbane Grammar School with his new position. The Executive Officer role is his opportunity to be involved in a sport management capacity and shape the competitive future of schoolgirl rowing. Through a vibrant competition Matt wishes to build on the contribution that sport in general and rowing in particular, can make as a part of the journey toward physical, mental and emotional competency during the schooling years and beyond.


Matt aims to build on the 17 years engagement with the BSRA, to continue a modern, diverse and expansive association, enriched by the core principle of inclusivity, that will broaden the appeal of the sport and increase numbers to become the envy of schoolgirl rowing competitions around the country.


Matt commences in the role on 1 October 2023.

BSRA Executive Officer role vacancy – see job advert

Hello BSRA community

After nine years in the role of Executive Officer I am moving to Hong Kong and a job vacancy opportunity arises as a result. Here are the details of the role being offered:

Event/Sports Management – Executive Officer Job in Brisbane QLD – SEEK

It is a fabulous part time position that enables work from home and terrific interactions with some really inspiring people in the nine-member school community and the rowing community more broadly.  I have been very privileged to be guided and supported by the Board of the BSRA (the nine Principals, their Executive Assistant’s and the school coordinators). There is a lot of collaborative engagement with relevant stakeholders and service providers: Rowing Queensland and RiverCity Ferries to name a few. This role has totally suited my time in Brisbane with four children and managing my family commitments while contributing to the sport I love, sharing it with the nearly 1000 rowers plus coaches and staff each year, whose competition I have aimed to enhance. I encourage you to apply and will be dedicated to a handover that honours a seamless transition.

Rachael Kininmonth

XOXO – Executive Officer… for now… "Winky Face Emoji" Photographic Print by ericbracewell | Redbubble

2023 Indoor Rowing Championships

BSRA Indoor Rowing Results Summary 2023

BSRA & RQ Safety evening

safety evening invite


Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 442 870 279 068 Passcode: ZJARFG Download Teams | Join on the web

Vale Joe Pattison

From the GPS rowing club:
“It is with deep sadness we record that a much loved coach Joe Pattison has passed away.
Joe was 66, and in the past couple of years battled courageously against cancer. Despite his failing health he tried to remain active around the boatshed for as long as he was able, and was last down helping with the juniors in January.
Joe came to Brisbane & GPS to help coach the club’s Junior Development Squad in the 2012-13 summer and remained involved every year since, including three years in which he coordinated the program and for several seasons he was the lead coach.
He took Jeeps crews to podium finishes at several Queensland and New South Wales State championships.
His success need not have been measured with medals. The enjoyment his young rowers achieved in the sport was tribute enough to his kindly and effective coaching.
Joe had been a rower at school and took up coaching to help when his children became involved in the sport at Gregory Terrace and All Hallows’. He coached the Terrace 3rd 8+ with his son Michael in bow to win their Head of the River race.
He coached at All Hallows’ for 15 seasons, working mostly with the Year 10 and Year 9 crews. He was also president of the parent support group for three years.
Recently, when the school heard that Joe had been confined to hospital, the girls he had coached in recent years put together an eight-minute video as a tribute to Joe. More than 50 students turned up in the rain at the AHS shed last Saturday morning for the video shoot, organised by parents and a past rower of his, Nicole Watt, and the overall message they sent was their love and their appreciation for the positive influence he provided them as a coach and a mentor.
Joe has left a magnificent legacy among the rowers he coached.
Joe’s great love outside of rowing was sailing. He crewed on several yachts in Sydney-to-Hobart races and numerous Brisbane-to-Gladstone events, and took part in a Clipper Cup race sailing on the Southampton to Rio leg of the round the world series. He also worked as a professional sailor in charter yachts in the Caribbean and out of Florida.
Joe was a solicitor. The club’s deepest sympathy go to his children, brother and sisters who survive him. We thank them for allowing Joe to be part of the club’s fabric for so many years.”
Regatta 1 – St Hilda’s – 23 July 2022
